Analytical chemistry underpins many important commercial enterprises from jet engine development to food production and is applied to other academic disciplines such as Earth sciences, medicine, archaeology, pharmacy and forensics. This MSc seeks to train the next generation of analytical scientists in state-of-the-art methods and skills to tackle the challenges of this broad range of applications. This programme is designed to provide comprehensive training in analytical chemistry and its implementation. A thorough understanding of error analysis, data processing and data presentation will be at the foundation of this programme.
CareersGraduates will be equipped for varied employment in industry and the public sector: analytical science techniques have a very broad range of applications in many sectors, ranging from forensics to global climate change and medicine to the automotive industry.
EmployabilityThis MSc seeks to train the next generation of analytical scientists in state-of-the-art methods and skills to tackle the challenges of a broad range of applications. Students are connected to industry partners through our teaching delivery (several of our guest speakers are from other universities and industry) and project participation, and receive important professional skills in two dedicated research and transferable skills modules.
Expected July 2025
Start date
September 2025
UCL (University College London)
Gower Street,
WC1E 6BT, Southern England, United Kingdom
*There may be different IELTS requirements depending on your chosen course.