What will I learn?
This qualification has been designed for those working as or seeking to become trainee assistant practitioners and, ultimately, assistant practitioners in healthcare.Assistant practitioners work in diverse healthcare environments, including the NHS and independent sector, e.g. primary, secondary and tertiary care, diagnosis, therapeutic inpatient and outpatient departments, theatres, GP practices, community settings, rehabilitation services. They support a wide range of practitioners, including registered nurses, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, diagnostic radiographers, physiotherapists, general practitioners, doctors of medicine, surgeons.This course offers a stimulating and challenging programme of study that will be both engaging and memorable for students. The essential subject knowledge that students need to progress successfully into further study or the world of work. With a simplified structure: students undertake a substantial core of learning in the Level 4 HN Certificate and build on this in the Level 5 HN Diploma, with an optional unit linked to their specialist area of study. The content has been refreshed, to closely aligned with employer, professional body and higher education needs.