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Principal’s Bursary Fund was set up to help men and women with a recent history of offending and/or addiction, and whose theological studies with WTC are a part of their recovery and positive life choices. You can apply for this bursary if you are entering at Level 4 (Certificate). You can apply for up to the full cost of your programme fees minus 10%, which we ask all beneficiaries to be responsible for paying or raising themselves.
​Certificate of Higher Education
A bursary for the full cost of your fees minus 10% will be considered but is not guaranteed. You may be awarded a proportion of your fees. We only award a bursary one year at a time, but we will help you to apply for this bursary in subsequent years.
BA (Hons)
We are currently not able to grant bursaries that automatically extend to the full six years of the BA programme. However, we will accept applications for one year at a time, and which fulfil the same criteria as the CertHE.
Students are shortlisted based on their
You need to apply separately for this scholarship
You can apply for the WTC Principal’s Bursary Fund as part of the main application process. The bursary is awarded for one year at a time. If you would like any help or support in completing your application, do get in touch with our Financial Team.
You will be asked to supply two or three references which are specific to this bursary application, one of whom must be your church leader.
References Required
– Church Leader reference
– Mentor reference
– Employer reference (if applicable)
Reference forms will be sent by WTC to each referee for completion. Please consider that at least two of your referees should have known you at least a year, and be able to demonstrate that they know you well.