Game Design at JMC provides the skills and knowledge to create fully immersive digital environments. Learn how to design, develop and implement an idea, with emphasis on creativity and expression through concept creation, digital drawing, environment modelling and game-engine implementation.
The video game industry is growing fast. The expertise and practices of game design + development is spilling over into a range of sectors, with design and development practices becoming widely adopted outside of purely gaming purposes.
Combine interactivity, game design and programming with traditional art practice and animation with a Bachelor of Creative Arts (Game Design). Focus in what you are passionate about as you select from a list of primary and secondary streams to hone in on your skills.
*Price shown is for indicative purposes, please
September 2025
Brisbane Campus
75 Grey Street,
4101, South Brisbane, Australia
*Price shown is for indicative purposes, please
September 2025
Sydney Campus
561 Harris Street,
New South Wales,
2007, Ultimo, Australia
Successful completion of a senior
secondary school certificate
English proficiency: minimum IELTS 6.0
overall (with no single band score below
5.5) or equivalent
Must be at least 18 years old at course
Further documents may be requested.
*There may be different IELTS requirements depending on your chosen course.
JMC Academy is one of Australia’s leading creative higher education colleges, focusing on nurturing and supporting students’ creative talents.