Computer animation has evolved to become a major component in the field of animation production and contributes towards shaping content for film, television, games and online applications. As such, students must be actively engaged in all aspects of the production process and understand the requirements associated with the production pipeline. Traditional design, drawing and storytelling skills are enhanced via the latest computer (software/hardware), combined with 3D animation skills and the creation of characters and customized environments contribute towards the creation of unique content that graduates will utilize in their e-portfolio of project work.
Graduates may find employment in a variety of animation-related industries ranging from designers or animators, to project managers for studios or production companies, regionally, nationally or internationally.
*Price shown is for indicative purposes, please
May 2025
Conestoga College
Doon (Kitchener) Campus,
299 Doon Valley Drive,
Ontario (ON),
N2G 4M4, Canada
English Language Requirements:
*There may be different IELTS requirements depending on your chosen course.
As one of the most popular Canadian institutions for international students, Conestoga is the place for aspiring professionals and applied learners.