What will I learn?
The BA Acting programme at Leeds Conservatoire offers rigorous, practical, conservatoire training for a career as a professional actor. Through practical skills training and individualised artistic development, you will acquire the skills to sustain a career as a working artist in theatre, television, film and recorded media - serving the performance industry now and in shaping its future. Over three years you develop your skills in acting, movement, voice and performance-based research. Training is practical, physical and intensive. You are required to be fearless, as you acquire new skills and challenge those you arrived with. Training includes ensemble skills classes, 1-1 coaching, skills in context, seminars and rehearsals; culminating in a final year season of performance that serves as an industry introduction.Storytelling is a collaborative artform and collaboration is at the core of all we do at Leeds Conservatoire. Acting students spend their first weeks of training developing an ensemble practice that transforms a cohort into a collaborative theatre company. Throughout training, students are given the opportunity to collaborate with theatres, creative partners and leading artists in the region. We actively encourage cross programme collaboration with artists from other disciplines. Our ambition is for students to establish a creative network in training, originate live performance and take both with them into the profession.