The BA (Hons) Graphic Design course benefits from deep professional practice knowledge, driven by our passion for conceptually led design projects and collaboration with industry partners and the creative sector. The curriculum, informed by industry, supports progressive learning, giving graduates a stronger critical knowledge of self-efficacy, participatory creativity, emerging technologies, and experimentation. Graduates are highly employable for their creative ideas, design skills, process thinking, and teamwork.
Conceptual thinking, resulting from creative openness to prototyping and exploration, is believed to define the future of graphic design. Thinking through making is central to the course. ‘Bringing ideas to life involves turning concepts into tangible realities through creativity, innovation, and craft. This approach promotes design practice as a conversation, encouraging students to work collaboratively on set and industry-led projects. This experience builds strong studio communities and networks, mirroring industry practice. Co-creation helps reframe ideas, challenge assumptions, and build trust and empathy for others' ideas and experiences.
The curriculum embraces innovative technologies and addresses design challenges from climate emergency, social injustice, economic inequality, and cultural development. You'll learn to respond ethically, with curiosity, and strategically to new challenges by identifying essential themes for each unit. The aim is to inspire responsible practitioners with core conceptual and technical skills, understanding graphic design's potential to influence and shape perceptions and behaviours.
A human, nature, and planet-centred approach nurtures positive, progressive interactions between the designer, the design output, and the end user. We aim to inspire future designers to become responsible practitioners, gain core skills, and understand graphic design's potential to influence and shape perceptions. The course connects with internal and external speakers through talks and workshops integrated into the AUB Human initiative.
All undergraduate courses at AUB offer an optional placement year, to be taken between your second and third years of study.
*Price shown is for indicative purposes, please
September 2025
Main Site - Arts University Bournemouth
*Price shown is for indicative purposes, please
October 2025
Arts University Bournemouth
*There may be different IELTS requirements depending on your chosen course.
Arts University Bournemouth’s interdisciplinary approach to tuition makes it an excellent environment to launch a career in the creative industries.