Why choose this course?
We offer supervision for PhD research in a range of areas relating to Sport.
The Faculty of Education, Health and Wellbeing (FEHW) supports the research ambitions of over 240 doctoral students across Education, Health, Social Work and Social Care, Sport and Psychology. Our research community is diverse and dynamic. We work with local, regional and international students from across the world on a very diverse range of research fields.
Many of our research supervisors have internationally recognised expertise in a range of research methodologies and frequently work across subject areas so, for example, research supervision can take place around the intersections of Education and Health and Sport and Psychology. We support students with a vibrant seminar and workshop calendar of events and sits within a and broader university research community where a very wide range of activity and support takes place.
PhD studies are typically conducted by completing a research thesis full-time (usually in three years) or part-time (usually six years). PhDs are theoretical research projects seeking to advance knowledge or understanding of a subject to inform further research, education and policy.
September 2025
Walsall Campus
Wulfruna Street,
September 2025
*There may be different IELTS requirements depending on your chosen course.