Rhetoric is the study of written, oral, and digital communication. Rhetoric teaches you how to argue, persuade, inform, and express for a variety of professional and personal reasons. Rhetoric teaches you how to invent, organize, arrange, and produce knowledge. Rhetoric teaches you how to create and share meaning. Rhetoric is the basis of all writing we do. Web pages are rhetorical. Technical documents are rhetorical. Movies are rhetorical. Video games are rhetorical. Ads are rhetorical. Medical documents are rhetorical. Legal briefs are rhetorical. Rhetoric is everywhere we engage with ideas and content! WRD is dedicated to the study and teaching of writing practices, public rhetoric, and digital media. With 14 faculty and 2 staff members, we serve over 5,000 undergraduates each year. The WRD BA/BS major offers students three tracks:
WRD also offers a minor in Writing, Rhetoric and Digital Studies as well as a minor in Profession and Technical Writing
Grow Your Future
Majoring or minoring in WRD allows you the opportunity to pursue a number of career options
Career opportunities in Writing, Rhetoric, and Digital Studies
Specific Industries as a content creator or writer
Media relations
Media relations
Documentation design
Government (technical documentation, lobbying, politics
Research specialists (think tanks, legal bodies, and industry)
Creative content (video game development, entertainment)
Education (writing for education companies or agencies)
Social media
Website design
App creation
Technical writing
Health industry (documentation, medical information, app development)
Public advocacy (NGO work, non-profit)
Public policy (organizations that require analytical and research skills)
Grant writing
Speech writing
Science writing
What You'll Study
The major in Writing, Rhetoric, and Digital Studies (WRD) prepares you for a career in writing. Every industry includes writing. Every industry supports the writing of internal and external documents (memos, reports, technical documents, research studies, social media usage, and website development). Every industry sponsors trade writing (magazines, journals, newsletters, other publications). As a WRD, you will learn rhetorical skills, argumentative/persuasive skills, organizational skills, media skills, web skills, research skills, storytelling skills, informational skills.
Expected May, October 2025
Start date
January 2025
College of Arts and Sciences
202 Patterson Office Tower,
40506, United States
*There may be different IELTS requirements depending on your chosen course.