See below
Fee waiver/discount
Contact expert
University of Waterloo
Not specified
Best presenter - CAN $300; Best poster - CAN $250
All International
Applicable to all genders
All types of delivery mode
All eligible students
Full time
All intakes
Mature students
The MME Graduate Association Symposium Award is provided annually to students registered in the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Waterloo. Recipients are required to present an oral and poster presentation on the nature of their research at the annual MMEGA Symposium. One award will be given based on the best oral presentation and one award will be given based on the best poster presentation. Selection of the two award recipients will be made either by elected MMEGA representatives, or through an audience vote.
Selection process:
Student selected automatically by Faculty/Department
You need to apply separately for this scholarship
For further information, please contact the university website.