€1,000.00 (US$ 1,072)
Fee waiver/discount
Contact expert
Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin
Not specified
€1,000 total value
All International
Applicable to all genders
All types of delivery mode
Only selective applicants are considered
Full time
All intakes
Academic excellence
To qualify for the scholarship, students must:
· Apply to Trinity as an undergraduate study abroad student, i.e. apply to Trinity for a single semester or year for transfer credit from their home university in a non-EU country.
· They must be declared majors in a STEM subject at their home university and must enrol in a minimum of 10 ECTS in STEM modules at Trinity.
· Applicants must apply for admission to study abroad at Trinity. Please note that Scholarship students must meet the minimum entry requirements, noting especially the minimum GPA of 3.3.
· Submit a complete scholarship application, per guidelines below, by the relevant deadline.
· Please note: Students coming to Trinity via a student exchange agreement are not eligible to apply. If you have questions about your fee status, contact your home university’s study abroad office to clarify.
Students are shortlisted based on their
Students will be selected based on their academic performance to date at their home university. Performance in their major and minor subjects will be particularly relevant to their application, as will be the student’s personal statement. Applications which include personal statements of longer than 750 words, as well as incomplete applications, will not be considered.
You need to apply separately for this scholarship
Students must submit a personal statement of 750 words and a transcript to study.abroad@tcd.ie by the deadline, with the email subject line of ‘STEM Study Abroad Excellence Scholarship’.
i. A personal statement of 750 words. This must address the following:
· How studying abroad at Trinity will impact your approach to studying STEM subjects in future
· How the scholarship would help you to make the most of your experience abroad
ii. A transcript
iii. Students must also include their name, home institution, area of study, study abroad provider (if applicable), and confirm that they are not coming to Trinity via exchange.
Applications which include personal statements of more than 750 words or incomplete applications will not be considered.
April 15 for Michaelmas Term and Academic Year Study Abroad, and October 15 for Hilary Term Study Abroad