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University of Canterbury
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A stipend during thesis enrolment plus tuition fees for thesis enrolment only, at the Aotearoa New Zealand domestic rate.
All International
Applicable to all genders
All types of delivery mode
Only selective applicants are considered
Full Time
All intakes
Academic excellence
Candidates must be eligible for admission to a doctoral programme at Te Whare W?nanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury.
Recipients may not already hold a research doctoral degree.
The UC Civil and Natural Resources Engineering PhD Scholarship supports students to study towards a research doctoral degree in the Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering at Te Whare W?nanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury.
Tenure: The scholarships are tenable for the period necessary to complete up to 360 points of enrolment.
Applicable Enrolment During Tenure: Full- or part-time enrolment in a PhD programme at University of Canterbury in the Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering.
Students are shortlisted based on their
In making the recommendations, the selection committee gives equal consideration to: a. academic achievement; b. likelihood of success in the applicant鈥檚 research project; and c. strategic objectives of the Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering.
If, in any year, there are fewer candidates of sufficient merit than there are scholarships available, then fewer are awarded.
You need to apply separately for this scholarship
The Department of Civil and Natural Resources of the University of Canterbury UC, Christchurch, New Zealand, is soliciting applications for PhD scholarships.
Curriculum Vitae: A CV of up to three pages. This should include academic history, work history, and any relevant research experience.
Research: A one-page essay on research interests, research experience, and motivations
Academic Documents: Transcripts from Bachelor and MS degrees (where applicable). Please ensure that the scan includes a description of the university grading scale. For an MS degree in progress, students are encouraged to submit their transcript to-date.
Evidence of English Language Proficiency: A description of suitable evidence can be found here: English language proficiency | University of Canterbury
References: A list of at least two academic references, including contact information (phone number and email address)