Below are all the universities in USA. We have the most comprehensive database of universities in the world, so understandably it’s a long list. To make things easier, you can search further by popularity, reviews, place in world rankings and by those which offer English courses. Start your search today to find the perfect course abroad!
Established in 1885, the University of Arizona is a home to over 50,000 students from more than 125 countries. UArizona is truly an international university that prepares...
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Keiser University is a non-profit university and is the largest of its kind in Florida, U.S. It hosts a vibrant community of more than 20,000 students and enjoys accreditation...
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English courses available
Nestled in the vibrant city of Fort Collins in the temperate mountain state of Colorado, Colorado State University (CSU) is ranked in the top 35 percent of universities in the...
English courses available
The University of Cincinnati is a leading American university offering a wide range of courses, including applied and experiential learning opportunities. It is ideal for...
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English courses available
Established in 1958, California State University, Northridge (CSUN) is a public university located in a northern suburb of Los Angeles. It is one of the largest universities...
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English courses available
Since 1872, The University of Toledo (UToledo) has been empowering and preparing driven individuals to make an impact on the world. UToledo is a student-centered public...
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English courses available
The University of Delaware (UD) traces its foundation to 1743, making it one of the oldest higher education institutions in the U.S. This long tradition of distinguished...
English courses available
DePaul University is a private university dedicated to academic excellence. Based in Chicago in the United States, it has been named as one of the Best National Universities...
Northeastern University is a private, globally recognized institution that helps students put their studies into practice, build their professional resumés, and grow their...
Florida Institute of Technology (Florida Tech) is an internationally recognized institution that provides a variety of degrees taught by industry-leading faculty. ...
Illinois Institute of Technology (Illinois Tech) is an exciting and enriching place to learn. Students at Illinois Tech benefit from exceptional teaching, modern facilities,...
English courses available
As an industry leader, the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) prepares students for careers in the ever-changing technological market. Offering state-of-the-art...